So I want to take a minute to talk about Open and what's been happening (you might want to check out Ellen Reckamp's blog if you're really interested). Ellen's project last year was the constructing of phase 2 of OP, an Open Program class for juniors: Open Program Passions (OPP).
OPP is a class (taught by Ms. Rad to previous OP students as well as juniors that were not previously in OP) that's based around the idea of finding your passion, what you like to do in life, what you might want to do in the future, planning for that future, exploring opportunities, and, in a broad sense, exploring your future. I know how cliche and lame that sounds to some, including myself initially, but in reality it's been one of the most interesting classes and probably the most informational and applicable class I've ever attended. Along with that, the mass advantage of opportunities the class and Ms. Rad have to offer are invaluable. If you seek knowledge, experience, understanding -- anything that you need/want to achieve a certain goal or explore a field of interest -- Ms. Rad will undoubtedly do anything in her power to make it happen. Anything. If you want to invite a doctor into class to talk. Done. If you want to visit a college on zoology. She'd personally call the college and get information. If you want to job shadow a successful businessman. She'd contact a successful business. The resources are unlimited, and that puts us all in a very active state of learning and passion for knowledge.
There is a OP class for sophomores this year as well (again taught by Mr. Glim and Ms. Rad)! The class grew in size from last year and the students are really beginning to enjoy it. Rosie and I had the privilege to sit in on some of the initial classes and observe the new OP students fail at certain tasks and get upset about grades as we had done initially in Open. It was kind of eye-opening to see how far we've come since we were in that same position a year ago. I'm excited to see their progress grow and develop from a position outside of their class.
What I am most ecstatic about, however, is the project ideas that will soon come out of these intelligent minds! I believe, as of now, most already have a general idea of what they want to execute, which is super cool! I've heard a general sense of what some students wish to do, yet these ideas are incredibly susceptible to drastic changes or complete abandonment. A great portion of the Sophomore's 2nd semester projects ideas are community based -- which isn't a bad thing -- however, I will admit I am disappointed that none of the project ideas thus far (remember, these ideas are incredibly susceptible to drastic changes or complete abandonment) produce a physical (or virtual) result or are profitable (entrepreneur-like). I'm aware that the 2nd semester project originally (and still is) focused around the idea of being "community" based, but in my opinion it would be really cool to see a result that hasn't been seen before. Again, this is just my opinion, and, again, absolutely none of their ideas are set in stone.
It's going to be really interesting to watch the sophomores in the program this year, and I really look forward to collaborative projects and thoughts that we will inevitably emerge this year!