Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Second Semester

It is now the ninth week of the proclaimed "scary" second semester. It was dubbed scary for all the right reasons:  each individual student is individual as a learner, and must proceed through their Math and English courses, as well as their personal projects, as they choose.

If you were not aware, each student within the Open Program must compile an independent idea for a project they are to work on the entire second semester. For example, Alex Sitze is constructing the first formal talent show to be hosted by OHS. Ellen Reckamp has taken on the rigorous challenge of constructing Open Program for Juniors next year. And many more innovative concepts that that will be carried out by each individual student over the course of second semester.

I haven't wrote anything in the longest of times so I feel the need to catch everyone up. Nearing the end of the first semester, Open Program put on a Faire for the public and all the curious onlookers. The Open Program Faire consisted of all the Openers' (students enlisted in the Open Program) project ideas;  a visual display along with a oral presentation aided their pitch to the public. The Faire was set up in a Faire-like fashion, meaning the onlookers browsed as they pleased, and could travel from table to table as they desired (similar to how the activities fair is ran). I think the Faire went extremely well! Personally, I know I have crazy stage fright/anxiety, and I definitely have problems speaking in front of people. As the Faire went on though, it became easier and easier to deliver my presentation, and to get my ideas across to people.

Due to the specificity of my project, it wasn't easy to explain my introverted idea. Regardless, I got amazing feedback from all my peers and everyone willing to listen and understand; a lot of people were really excited and supportive of my idea, and I'm overjoyed that they were so kind and caring.

After the Faire, all the Openers had to then pitch their second semester project idea to the four Open Teachers (Ms. Rad, Mr. Glim, Mr. Davidson, and Mr. Sitze), the principal of OHS (Mr. Nelson), the vice principal (Mr. Boyer), the superintendent (Mr. Mahoney), and any Board of Education members that were interested. The pitch was a speech -- a presentation of the independent second semester project and a plan of what is to come. The pitch also served as a first semester final exam for the Open Lab class. Due to my anxiety during the presentation, I was really surprised at the 100% I received as a grade for the pitch. Needless to say, I am very excited to see what I can accomplish this semester. Future posts will entail what my project consists of; if you have any questions feel free to ask below.

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