Wow, it has been ages since I've wrote anything! Well, I want update y'all on what's been good. School's going great; I love my schedule this year. Finally got a Comp-Sci class here at OHS. It's an online option and a "pilot" program to OHS (I believe 6-8 students are currently enrolled). I've heard rumors of an on-campus option here at OHS that's going to be (maybe?) available in a few years. Anyways, the online class is great! I can honestly say I've learned a boat-load. And the things that I've acquired from my "informal training" from Mr. Larsen have just finally clicked into an entire world of application.
Mr. Larsen and I have continued to meet throughout a portion of the summer, and continue to meet weekly now that school has initiated. We're still drastically improving the calculator (totally ripped out the cluttered entry boxes, created a menu for addons including a simple mass and percent composition calculator, and much more!) and continuing to brainstorm ideas and still plan to develop an application for Android devices. It's pretty great.
In addition to that, I decided to purchase my own domain and toy around with web development a bit.
Mr. Larsen is really an extraordinary man of many talents. Just recently, like it was the most nonchalant information to ever reach the composition of words, he told me he owned his own company and developed web pages professionally. Owned his own company. So, naturally, obviously, I purchased my own domain and bought a book on PHP. My playground of a domain is just that -- a playground, a place where I can dump all my ideas and start practicing PHP, HTML, Perl, and other server-side languages. Eventually, I think it would be cool to have a desktop version of the calculator (as well as an APK?) on the site for public download.
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